Squat form check please

Hi guys!
Recently i have started starting strength novice program.
I didn’t have much experience doing barbell training because what i did was mostly just leg press only.
Once i recorded myself, i started to wonder if i have been doing “good morning” but not actual “squat”.
I push my belly out and breath to my stomach every time before i squat.
I remember Rip said “Hip drive” but i am not sure if i take it too extreme so it turns to “good morning”.
I am not sure if i have been doing it right but i do feel my glute during the squat (especially during the ascending phase of squat).
All advice and critiques are welcome!!
Thank you very much!!

I am 5’7 and the proportion of my upper and lower body is 1:1 which means the length of my torso is 50% of my height.
Therefore, i have a relatively long torso and short femur.

Looks pretty damn good to me.

If you are interested in a couple nitpicks: try to lock your knees in place by the time you are about 2/3 of the way down or so so they don’t move when you are trying to push out of the bottom. I can’t see from this angle but maybe shoving your knees out more would help if they aren’t shoved out too much already.

Also, a neutral neck position is fine, you don’t need to look straight down.

Don’t get too tripped up about these suggestions if they don’t help though, your squat is already better than most.

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Thank you so much for your advice!!
It is sameful for me to tell I can bench more than I squat.
I will have to work really hard on my squat and deadlift.
What you said give me confidence to keep adding weight to the bar.
Thank you so much for your help!
I really appreciate that!