Could you guys please take a few minutes to look over these videos and offer any advice on what you see. I can’t do a lot about my ugly mug but I’m sure I can improve the lifts.
One thing I did notice was that I was looking forward on the rack pull. I did sort this out on my next set. Also the rack pull set up is not perfect but its the best I can do with the equipment I have at the gym.
I’m hesitant to give form corrections for people based on just a few videos, but for the sake of feedback and contribution, I’ll offer some thoughts about your squat.
It looks to me like your stance is too narrow, which is causing your ass to move too far backwards, which is putting you a bit off balance and causing your heels to come up as a corrective measure. It doesn’t look like your squat has a “hole” where your ass and hips can drive out of. I recommend a wider stance and a more exaggerated outward toe angle. This should help.
Here’s a video of Alan Thrall squatting and a video of myself (mine is an RPE 9-9.5).
Thanks for the reply. I will certainly give your suggestions a try. I have been told my ass sticks out too much so I can work on that. Unfortunately I can’t access Instagram as it seems my email address is being used by someone else? Not sure how or why but no matter what I try I can’t get access. Thank for the feedback.