Hi guys-I’m a big fan of your stuff. Finally getting unstuck after 2 years post-LP not understanding why my squat never got up to 405.
I have an allergy to most starches (except sweet potato) whereby I get a severe gut blockage at the location of a colonic anastamosis (I had a right hemicolectomy in 2004).
Do you think I could become more training sensitive by solving this allergy somehow, or should I just continue to avoid starches?
All the best from London
Hi James,
Based on your description, this doesn’t really sound like an “allergy” at all, though there may be some missing information here.
I’m also not sure what this has to do with training resistance, either.
How have you determined that you are training resistant? Is it because you think the LP didn’t get your squat to 405? There are very, very, VERY few people who reach that level of strength on the LP.
What is your height, weight, and lifts?
I still don’t know how starch has anything to do with this. Active autoimmune/inflammatory disease itself can impair the response to training.
Height: 183cm
Weight: 80kg
Sq 5RM 127.5kg/B 5RM 78kg/DL 5RM 140kg (all when bw 87kg a year ago). Sorry I don’t know 1RMs.
I only started the bridge last week-I realise I have been severely undertrained since ending LP and messing around with OM Texas etc.
When I have flare-ups (gut blockage) I can usually track them to starch eaten 2 days prior. Maybe the Crohn’s isn’t affecting my response to training, however it does compromise sleep and therefore I’m guessing also recovery.
Sorry man, this isn’t making much sense.
I’m not sure what you mean by “gut blockage”, but if it’s actually true bowel obstruction (which is unlikely) related to Crohns strictures I’d be talking with my gastroenterologist and/or a surgeon. This does not sound like an allergy at all.
As I said, inflammatory/autoimmune disease can certainly impact the response to training, but I’d also point out that your squat 5RM was the same as mine at the end of LP.
Ok cool-no problem Dr.
I’ll try to get to one of your seminars later in the year and if you have time maybe we can have a short chat about it.
I’m really enjoying ‘the bridge’ by the way. The progression in strength has remotivated me to try to gain the extra 10/15kg bw I need.
P.S. We’ve met briefly a couple of times in person-once last August at the coaches conference (I was UK Carl’s intern at the time), and once at an SS seminar where I asked Rip about the effects of masturbation on training;)
Anyway thanks again!