Dear Barbell Medicine team,
I’ve followed several of your programs in the past and noticed that you always start “gently” with conditioning. For example, the “Beginner Prescription” includes only one LISS session in the first week, which gradually builds up to 2 LISS and 2 HIIT sessions. I see a similar approach in other programs: a gradual increase to 4 sessions. I assume this is intended to help people ease into cardio, but perhaps it’s also meant to provide the body with periodic rest from conditioning.
I plan to restart the Beginner Prescription since I haven’t lifted in two months. However, I’ve maintained my cardio by running three times a week. Because of the importance of cardio for overall and mental health, I’d like to start with 4 sessions a week right away: 2 HIIT sessions and 1 LISS session on the rower directly after my lifting, plus one additional LISS session on another day (jogging outside). This would mean starting in week 1 with the cardio volume recommended for week 12. Is this approach okay?
Additionally, when transitioning from the Beginner Prescription to another program, can I continue with 4 cardio sessions per week from the start?
Thank you in advance for your advice.
All the best,