straights sets vs. rampings sets


After doing bbm templates for well over a year, I’ve recently started doing ‘my own’ hypertrophy/developmental block, based on the things I responded well to in the templates. One question I have is whether there is a reason to choose say 6@6, 6@7x2, 6@8x2 vs. 6@7, 6@8, 6@9 - drop5% for 1-2 sets. I’ve noticed that the former is used in bbm hypertrophy templates, while I’ve seen the latter in the strength oriented templates. I’m guessing it doesn’t really matter but still curious.



Thanks for the post. Both of the examples are technically ramping sets, though the second iteration goes up to a higher intensity than the first. If you wanted a higher average intensity, e.g. working closer to failure, you might select the higher RPE iteration.

Hope that helps!
