Strength and Hypertrophy with age

It seems there are lots of opinions out there on training for size vs strength with regard to rep ranges used. Sets of 1-5 at a higher intensity for strength for example, and 8-12 for size being typically recommended.

Also, as one ages, we see that strength and muscle loss seems to taper off.

If you had to put an emphasis on one or the other for an aging individual, say 50 years old, whose primary focus was just to make regular deposits in their “health 401k” through resistance training, would you emphasize one over the other? Sometimes I feel as if I should focus more on hypertrophy as I age to combat muscle loss, and accept whatever strength benefits come with that. But perhaps the opposite is equally valid if not more so. I’m not referring to someone training for maximal strength or maximum hypertrophy, but rather someone training for longevity and quality of life. Does it matter at all which is the focus in your view for a natural lifter? TIA!

It doesn’t look like people lose strength or muscle as they age if they remain active, particularly via resistance training.

I wouldn’t emphasize strength over hypertrophy or vice versa, as there is a ton of overlap for the two training goals. A good strength program should provide a decent amount of hypertrophy stimulus and a good hypertrophy program should make you stronger.

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Is it correct that older people are more prone to lose strength and muscle mass if they are inactive for a while and have a harder time regaining those?