I’m currently starting week 5 of the powerbuilding I after running the beginner template before my current one.
I’ve been struggling to gain strength on pretty much all of my lifts during powerbuilding I and wanted to ask for some guidance as to whether there is anything i’m doing wrong / should improve. For example, my comp style (1ct pause) bench press has remained at 80 kg × 5 reps @ RPE 8 since week 1 of powerbuilding I, and my OHP went up from 35 kg × 8 reps @ RPE 8 to 37.5 kg × 8 reps @ RPE 8. The only lift that has been improving at a steady rate is the deadlift, where I went up from 115 kg × 5 reps @ RPE 8 to 125 kg × 5 reps @ RPE 8.
The only thing I could think of that might be harming my progress is lack of sleep (I get on average 3-5 hours of sleep during the week and 7-9 hours on weekends). The lack of sleep is not something I can change due to other commitments outside of the gym, but I do feel that it may be affecting my mid-week training due to having less time to sleep than on the weekends and feeling extremly tired throughout the day and during workouts due to the lack of sleep.
I would like to add the i’ve had all my main lifts reviewed via the form check service, and except for a few minor tweaks in form here and there I was told that my form was overall good. Also, I’ve been on a “lean bulk” since december and have been gaining weight at a good rate (I went up from weighing 70 kg @ 13% bf to 75 kg @ 15% bf currently).
Thanks in adcance for any help!