Powerbuilding 1 and plateauing

Hey, I’m currently doing your Powerbuilding program. I’ve been training actively for about 1,5 - 2 years now. I’ve followed beginner prescription first and then went on to do the Bridge in total. I’ve seen great progress in this time with certain lifts. My deadlift has at least doubled going from 100 x 1 to 200 x 1 in a time that I find to be relatively short.

I started doing the powerbuilding program and I have actually lost weight and gained some more visible muscle mass, but strengthwise the progress has been almost non-existent. I’ve been going to the gym 4-6 times a week, usually averaging at 5 sessions. I add some biceps, triceps and isometric ab excersises to each session.

I’ve read the pdf entirely, but it’s been awhile. Is this just a part of the progress or am I doing something wrong? I feel like I had more progress when I was hitting the gym max 3 times a week, as strange as that sounds. During current workout sessions I still tired from previous days. I’m not trying to make excuses for getting lazy, but I wonder if adding stuff to each training day is actually a bit too much for me.

While my deadlifts are pretty good and my squats have developed to a tolerable level, my bench is still bad. I have also been doing it consistently, but I haven’t even reached a 100 kilograms yet. In the last 3 months, I’ve added around 5 percent to my bench press, which doesn’t seem to be very much. I’ve been a lanky guy in the past and my arms have always been my weakest point, so maybe my body just works differently in this sense.

I’m thinking of running the powerbuilding template to the end and then changing it to something more directly strength focused. Or would it be more sensible to continue to the 2nd powerbuilding template?

Sorry for rambling. I decided to post, since I’ve started to lose my motivation and previous enjoyment. Right now I just force myself to the gym out of habit.

Hey AP,

Thanks for the post. May I ask how long you’ve been doing the Powerbuilding I program and what your e1RM’s have done for the Big Three over that time? Also, I assume you mean you’re going to the gym to lift 3x/wk and then doing conditioning on the other days as programmed, yes? Finally, the program already includes arm and trunk work. Are you doing that and then adding extra or am I misunderstanding?

Let’s see if we can help you out there, dude.


Hey Jordan! I’m a bit delayed with my response but yeah, I’ve been adding stuff to the program on top of the gp days.

I’m on my 6th week of Powerdbuilding. I started with 180 on the DL, and now I’m at 190. Squat was around 125 and now it’s around 135. Bench has not really improved much from the 87,5. Now it’s a bit over 90.

I think that’s reasonable, but I would remove the added work outside of what’s programmed and see how you do. A little fatigue can go a long way :slight_smile: