programming question

Hi BBM team,

i have a question regarding running the second half of powerbuilding week 6 - 10 twice rather than running the first half for strength goals. (my goal is to compete at some point)

i have run strength 1 many times and found my bench and Squat tend to trend upwards every 2-3 weeks in terms of weight I’m able to handle at the same RPE, but my deadlift seems to stagnate and has even regressed a little.

but after running power building the latest version when I reach the second half of the program I find it to be extremely good for strength even better than strength 1 my squat improves better than on strength 1 my deadlift improves in 2-3 weeks which it wasn’t with strength 1 and the only lift that tends to take a little longer to progress in powerbuilding 1 is bench.

so assuming all my diet, recovery is in check would you maybe suggest that running the second half of powerbuilding 1 6-10 and repeat may be better for me ? or does this show I might be better off investing in the low fatigue strength template?

the only change if you do suggest 6-10 weeks and repeat, is I would maybe change slot 2 on day 1 rather than OHP to a bench variation as I’m finding my bench is more responsive to higher volume, and my deadlift responds better to less.

current stats

age 29
weight 88kg
waist 33"

last tested at the end of strength 1 peak all on the same day.

bench 1Rm 165kg
squat 1Rm 210kg
deadlift 1Rm 230kg

i have run your strength 1, powerbuilding 1 and hypertrophy 1 many times i am unable to train 4 days currently, i know you don’t recommend modifying pre built programs but I’m unable to pay for a coach and i like the templates and they work well for me for the most part but i just think I’ve got to a point now where i know more about what works for me and what doesn’t.

would really appreciate your thoughts and recommendations, thanks.

If your programming is going well right now, as defined by demonstrable progress, satisfaction and enjoyment within training, etc., then I don’t think I would change anything to what you’re doing currently. I am not sure that this suggests the low fatigue template would be better, as they aren’t really programmed similarly enough for that to be the case. If you haven’t tried it yet, it might be worth a go once your current setup stops working for you.

I think sticking with a 3-day setup is fine given your current results!

Thanks for the response Jordan,

I have and am still making great progress on 3 days and feel like I am proof you don’t need 4+ days always as I’ve been training now for 3 years only 3 days per week and still consistently make some sort of progress and I’ve done a good job of maintaining my morning weight by just counting calories and protein intake which I consume 1g per pound of bodyweight i know this is probably on the lower end but I’m happy with it.

just in response of your answers, so I’m getting the vibe that its a don’t change the program answer, fine. but if i was to maybe this time run power building 1 as 10 weeks as written then add another 4/5 weeks running week 6-10 again then using a free peak template to test my maxes and changing the slot 2 for a bench variation do you think I could do this and not compromise my progress.? or even use the peaking phase from strength 1.

like i said i actually seem to be getting better strength progression for my squat and deadlift with the power building template than i did with strength 1 and i think if i just change day 1 slot 2 to a bench variation i think will make better bench gains as well.

Thanks again.

I would just repeat the same week you’re doing right now over and over again until it stops working and/or you want to switch. If you want to test your maxes at the end, you can do that (or not). Your bench substitution also sounds reasonable to me.