Strength vs Hypertrophy Correlation to Health?

Is there anything in the research literature that indicates whether strength vs hypertrophy is more correlated with long-term health outcomes?

In other words, do we know whether the general health benefits of resistance training produced more by increased strength or increased muscle size?

I realize this might be a pedantic question since most intelligent programs will drive both strength and hypertrophy, but I’m curious as to whether there is any data that suggests a bias toward one or the other might improve general health outcomes.

I’m not aware of any data showing one is better than the other, but rather they both appear to uniquely improve health outcomes.

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Muscle strength is a better predictor of poor health outcomes than muscle mass (although there are some caveats here with respect to measurement methods), which is why it has become the primary area of focus in the sarcopenia world - although no one would discount the significance of increasing lean body mass, either.

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That’s helpful. Thanks.