I’ve recently started 5g of creatine daily and I was discussing the many possible benefits of it with a loved one and whether they should also start using it too.
However, they have some diagnosed mental health issues, namely bipolar, stress and anxiety. These have been managed by lifestyle rather than medication for the last decade (under GP supervision).
My question is do you know of any problems of taking 5g of creatine daily while having these mental health issues?
My biggest concern would be with medication interactions, though it sounds like this individual is not currently taking medication. I am not aware of any contraindications to creatine for individuals with the conditions you mentioned, but I am not as optimistic regarding creatine as many are. I think there is a small, potentially meaningful benefit to performance and fitness with creatine supplementation.
I think the potential risks outweigh the benefits when using a supplement that is not 3rd party tested and CGMP accredited. Save for that, it’s a personal decision for whether it’s worthwhile or not.