Template for cutting


I’ve been working through an intermediate strength program recommended to me by Nick D’Agostino (4 days, main 4 lifts only, one heavy, one volume lift per workout rotated around, adding 5 lbs per week to squat, etc.). At the same time I’ve been in a mild calorie deficit (-250 or so per day). It has been working great. My squat is up 55 lbs while my weight is down 6 lbs on the scale. Body composition has certainly changed, although I’m still a little bit fluffy (43 years old, 6’ 1’, 240 lbs). Alas, all good things must come to an end, and I think the calorie deficit has finally caught up with me; I am now stuck and struggling a bit.

I would like to keep cutting. Drop my weight to 230 and reassess. Ideally, keep what strength I can. I don’t know where to go from here? I have a home gym with power rack and barbell. Any suggestions?


I think any of our templates would be fine to run during a deficit and given your training history would lead me to recommend our Beginner Template starting from phase II. I’d continue the calorie deficit until your waist is < 36" or so.

I don’t think small Calorie deficits and weight loss affect strength improvement, particularly in newer trainees. Rather, I think the progress stagnation is more attributable to the programming.
