Moving forward template choices + calorie question


I am hesitant to move forward with my next template choice.

Here is what I have done so far

Bridge 1.0
Bridge 3.0
7 week Hypertrophy 3 day
Time crunch + pivot
Hypertrophy 1

I am currently on my last week of Hypertrophy 1.

My plan was to do Strength 1 and then Hypertrophy 2, Strength 2, Strength 3, then maybe General strength and then endurance again.

I started at 233 lbs and am down to 209, but I still have a 38" waist. I am 5’ 11" and 44 years old.

I have been over eating for a long time and and finally figured out about where my maintenance calories are and I am in a slight deficit as of now.

I think I understand that I should not be in a calorie deficit during Strength programs, so I am hesitant to increase calories and start Strength 1.

My Questions are

  1. Should I continue to be in a calorie deficit and what templates should I be doing until I get there?

There meaning a smaller waist size.

  1. What is a guideline for how many calories above or below maintenance?

1900-2000 seems to be maintenance for me, so what is too many or too little of caloric intake.

My goals are to get jacked and see my abs.
I have zero desire to compete in any way.

Thank you in advance for your wisdom.


Thanks for the post and I hope you had a great weekend.

  1. I think if you can adhere to a calorie deficit then I would continue on with that until reaching the desired endpoints. I am cool with you going to Strength I :slight_smile:
  2. 250-500kCal is a great place to start. I like this calculator: Body Weight Planner - NIDDK


Awesome, thank you.