"Would you generally say Titan and Strength are the most intense/demanding templates? "
I haven’t tried them all and I guess that sort depends. Titan has a lot more things like emom which are and air squats for X over so many minutes. The lifting is a little higher volume and lower intensity than PB templates but the GPP stuff is more CrossFit type which could be more engaging than say 30 minutes steady state once a week and 20 minutes 20 sec RPE 10, 100 sec rest once a week. So to the GPP parts is a little heavier intensity but the lifting is more like you accessory work on power building. So for the main lifts you are going to get more intensity and higher volume on Powerbuilding than on Titan. Titan also doesn’t really seem to focus on a main lift as much.
So I would say Titan is much harder on the GPP aspect with things like as many sets in a time limit. It is a little easier on the lifting so I don’t think it is so much harder than powerbuilding just that the difficulty at least to me is ramped up more on the GPP while powerbuilding puts the difficulty on the lifts.
I am not really sure strength is harder. It is different you are running a lot more 1 rep at 8 with backoffs and less isolation work. It is harder than the lower fatigue PBIII since you will hit RPE 9 frequently vs. the 7 in PBIII unless you do the last 4 weeks to test. You will still have some and GPP in strength but you are focused more on variation work than accessory as you would see in power building. The end is the easiest because it is your test week where you do something like maybe 10 reps all week.
I am not sure I would call any template i have ran and I have ran a few over the years. They are just different. All of these are going to balance recovery with stimulus. The different templates just have different goals. PBIII is a little easier that is because it only prescribes RPE 7 instead of 8 so it is kind of a lower fatigue template. It has as an extra 4 weeks to test a one rep max though.
Just kind of summary of the templates I own.
GPP more highest to lowest
pretty much everything else is the same and less. 25 to 30 min LISS and 20 minutes of 20 sec RPE 10 cardio every two minutes.
Accessory work
Hypertrophy/power building
Variations of main lifts
hypertrophy/ power building/ body building/ Titan
Time per workout most to least
Titan(?) I am not for sure here I haven’t run the template I thought I was interested in it and bought it but they decided I didn’t want to do the more cross fit style stuff.
So you can kind of see here it isn’t really so much that one template is harder than the other. Each have their balances Bodybuilding dials back intensity for volume and much more isolation work. Strength dials back the isolation work and cardio a bit. Titan dials back the insensitivity and volume for more cardio. I should add there are 3 and 4 day versions of all but Titan here so that will affect your volume and recovery a bit if you choose the 4 day a week versions versus the 3 day a week.
So which is the hardest largely depends on how you train. Titan might be really hard if you only have done strength and have to do all that GPP stuff but it might be a little easier on the lifting. Strength or the second half of a PB block might be hard if you haven’t done RPE 8 singles before. Bodybuilding might be hard if you aren’t used to do 10 plus reps. Yet overall all these templates attempt to balance recovery by adding something but dialing back to something else. You just aren’t going to find a template that is going to push you to the limits if you have been training.