Template usage at the gym

I recently purchased the hypertrophy template. Is there an easy way to print out the template, so it looks something like the bridge? So that you can quickly look at a day and see what to do? I am going to have a hard time scrolling around my tiny phone to find which S-B2 to do. What are folks bringing with them to the gym to know which lift to do? Any help would be appreciated.

If you just need a paper copy:

Go to Google Sheets. Upload the template. Go to the program page, hit “print,” and select the “fit to width” and “landscape” options. Print it. Lift.

To make it a little bigger, you can delete the GPP column and do the same thing. (And pencil in the GPP by hand if you want.)

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I like keeping a paper training journal, so even if I’m doing a template I’ll write out the exercises to perform (sets/reps/target RPEs/etc.) before I head to the gym.

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I haven’t seen the template format, but I’d bet that the programming I get from BBM is similar.

I download the workbook as XLSX, reformat the thing in Excel. Usually this means resizing columns, wrapping text, etc. I then tell excel to fit it on once sheet of paper. It comes out kind of small, but still legible.

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