I just saw a banner with “all templates on sale” these days but I can’t remember where… I would like to buy the hypertrophy template but it would be great as a sale!
Thank you very much.
I just saw a banner with “all templates on sale” these days but I can’t remember where… I would like to buy the hypertrophy template but it would be great as a sale!
Thank you very much.
If you haven’t joined the facebook group I would recommend it. They quite regularly have FB adds with a discount code on templates.
I cried a little inside when I missed the 4th of July master bundle sale by a day. A DAY!!
And for those who don’t have nor want a FB account?
On Facebook: 20% off all templates, code “SAVE”
Would be nice if someone would post those coder more regularly.
I don’t have a FB account, nor do I want one.
Thanks Mate!
→ are there also codes for supplements? Need more PeriRx soon…
yeah I agree I don’t have facebook, twitter instagram or whetever is trendy now. What about a mailing list?
Is there any chance we get some Black Friday deals on templates?
Looks like prices just increased by $5 on templates and the free updates to templates changed to discounted updates.
I’d assume these changes reflect demand growth. So they would be less inclined to discount any further.
Rho, there is;
Peri Rx & Whey Protein - 20% Off - Code: SUPPS2018
Program Templates - 30% Off - Code: TEMPS2018