Thoughts on Deadlift Bars

I just wanna hear your opinions on the subject just out pure curiosity. General things like , when are they useful? Should they play a role in training or just certain competitions? Are they safer, do they even matter? Will they spoil you? etc. Thanks, probably better for a Instagram live but I always miss those.

If you plan to complete in a federation that uses deadlift bars, you should probably at least get some practice pulling on one before your meet. Some people just like pulling on them, which is fine too. They don’t necessarily “need” to play a role in one’s training otherwise.

Is there any negative effects in training if one uses a deadlift for almost all their pulling volume?

Only the hit your ego will take when you try to pull from the floor on a stiff bar.

And potentially lack of grip training effect by using the 27mm bars. Possibly. (ENTP checking in)