Thoughts on training with high level of physical fatigue?

Hi all.
To give you a little background. I work seasonally (spring, summer, fall) as a vegetable farmer, and this last winter during my off time I got really into training. I did a linear progression for a couple months, got bored with it, and then did Powerbuilding 1 which I enjoyed the hell out of. I made some great progress and want to keep training during the busy season. My concern, if you could call it that, is combining the workload of training with the workload of work. When I’m farming I’m working long days with a lot of physical stress (walking lots, picking up and carrying a lot of stuff, working stooped over or squatting). I know that I’m going to be more tired and will have less left in the tank to train with. I also don’t want my training to interfere with my ability to work. My goals aren’t super specific, but I would like to keep getting stronger and building some muscle. I’m not looking to go to a powerlifting meet or put on a lot of muscle in a short time frame.

So I’m wondering: what general recommendations do you have regarding training for someone in my situation? Is RPE adequate for managing fatigue or should I look to limit sets and reps?
Also, Is there a template of yours that you might recommend over others? I don’t have a great sense of what kind of programming is more or less fatiguing over all.

Thanks and all the best.


Thanks for the post and for joining the forum. I think if you still have plenty of time to train, I’d just follow the template to the best of your ability and adjust the loading using RPE based on what you can do that day. If you don’t have a lot of time to train due to the work, I’d recommend our time crunch template :slight_smile:

Otherwise, you’re in a good place right now!
