Training after peri myocarditis.

Hello, I have just returned home from the hospital where I have been admitted for two weeks due to peri myocarditis. I have been told by the doctors not to exert myself, take it easy and keep my heart rate below 120 for the next six months. Do you have any experience with patients like me?​

Normally, I train five to six times a week. four sessions of strength training and two running sessions. I am only 26 years old and above average active. I can’t stand the thought of sitting still for six months.
Do you know of any training methods I can use in the future? Do you have any tips on how I can maintain muscle mass and maybe get some exercise in​?

Unfortunately, this is not something we can answer via a forum response. A consultation may be useful to discuss what’s going on and provide information.

Due to the risk of myocarditis-associated sudden cardiac arrest*, exercise is generally not recommended for ~3 months (up to 6 months or longer in some cases) until the heart’s function returns to normal. This typically includes imaging (echocardiography or MRI), monitoring of the heart’s electrical activity, and blood tests. I would not expect a persistent loss of muscle mass in this situation unless the underlying illness causing the condition was untreated.

*our podcast on SCA- Stream Episode # 208: Sudden Cardiac Death in Sport by Barbell Medicine | Listen online for free on SoundCloud