returning to training after peri-myocarditis


I have had peri mycarditis and haven’t exercised for 5 months.

I have now received green lights from my doctors that I can start training again. I have previously been somewhat active with approx. 5 strength sessions and 2 running sessions a week. I have run through both your 12-week strength program and strength 3 program several times before I got sick. Do you have any recommendations on how to start again? Sets, volume, frequency, etc? I enjoyed your the-bridge program and thought maybe it was a good place to start again?

Hope to hear from you and what you think is a good idea to do!

I’d be looking at something like phase 2 of the Beginner Template or similar to get back in the swing of things. You could also modify The Bridge and reduce RPE by 2-3 on all exercises to get your feet wet.

Glad you’re feeling better.

Thank you for your response. I plan to purchase your program and will begin on Monday.