Training Program For Fat Loss

I was reading through The Bridge program and saw this: “For a very overweight person who is seeking to lose a significant amount of body fat quickly, this likely isn’t the best program.”

Is there a template (or other program) you suggest for very overweight people who need to lose a lot of body fat?

We don’t have anything for a very, very overweight person, but if you’re not really in the category- we’d recommend just do the bridge with more conditioning.

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Good morning. I am also switching my priority to fat loss, with an emphasis on reducing my waistline to under 40 inches. Last year, I did a SSLP followed up with a 4-day split, gaining weight in the process. After watching one of your podcasts, I realized that my priority should have been to reduce my waist measurement to a healthy level. So, now ending week 10 of a 12 week HLM program. I’m losing weight and looking for my next program. I’m satisfied with my progress so far. I’ve gone from 259 lbs with a 46 1/4 inch waist to 247 lbs with a 45 inch waist while on this cycle.

My pre- cycle 1RM PRs are:

Squat - 405 lbs
DL - 425 lbs
Press 195 lbs
Bench Press - 315 lbs

I started adding conditioning to this program a few weeks ago, first LISS (really treadmill walking) and recently HIITS using the rowing machine and elliptical.

Reading your template descriptions, I decided that GPP Endurance seemed to be the best fit, so I bought it. I haven’t found a lot of references to that program on the forum and I have seen that you’ve recommended other programs, like the bridge, for losing fat. I’m starting to think that, since the HLM program seems to be working, maybe I should run it again or run the Bridge.

While I want to maintain strength, I’m really focused on my waistline and weight right now. So I’m willing to lose strength and muscle mass, as necessary.

What should I do next?

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I would do The Bridge with both GPP days from the start in this instance.

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Thanks for your response.

I think I’m in the category: 6’1” and 360. 58 inch waist. Estimated BF ~44.

I think I’ll just focus more on conditioning and calorie restriction than I have been to this point by putting gains (losses) on the waist/scale at a higher priority than adding weight to the bar.

I bought the GPP Endurance template based on its description. I suppose The Bridge with 2-3 weekly days of conditioning would be a reasonable option for me.

Thanks again.

It builds work capacity and improves conditioning.

Thanks for the reply! Looking forward to The Bridge. Will let the group know how it goes

Yes, it does. At some point many folks need more activity to move the scale and they won’t “just eat less.”

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