Hey guys, cross-posting from the SS Forum hoping for more information.
I’m interested in a more in depth look at the training variables involved in the 4 day split, such as Chase Lindley used, versus other intermediate programming such as The Bridge. (https://startingstrength.com/training/the-330-lb-press-ordinary-programming-extraordinary-persistence).
Coming off the NLP, the weekly squat volume is 45 reps with a 3 times per week frequency. On the 4 day split, the volume and frequency are reduced by 1/3 to 30 reps per week and 2 sessions per week. Obviously, The Bridge and other BBM progams, as well as HLM, go the opposite way on volume, with a marked increase. My understanding from PPST, Jordan’s critique of 5/3/1 and TM, The Bridge, and a few other articles is that we should be increasing volume in the intermediate phase. I understand the fatigue dissipation that is achieved by the lower volume coming right of the NLP might help, but how is adaptation ultimately driven with such lower volume weeks to months down the road? Commentary or links to articles would be appreciated.