I’ve been experiencing some minor numbness in my right Quad associated with squatting to depth below parallel. If I had to place it specifically I would say Anterior-lateral on the thigh covering about 3 inches wide and 6 or so inches tall. It’s nothing noticeable in day to day life, but there’s some slight numbness to touch in the area 24/7, if I specifically rub it, and then during deep squats the area can feel hot with a hardly noticeable amount of pain. When it first occurred, I assumed there was a slight tear in the area and the heat was from blood bruising, but with the continued persistence of the numbness coupled with there being no effect on my strength level has led to me predict that it may be a nervous issue, possibly an impingement of some sort.
I squat three times per week as I am running The Bridge V1 and have so far seen consistent gains despite this issue. If I had to take a guess, I would say that this has been going on for a little over a month. It doesn’t seem to be getting any worse at this point, but I would prefer to correct this issue if possible. If I had to take a wild guess, I think a misalignment in my hips may be the culprit; it’s something I’ve had a PT correct for me in the past. I’m lucky to have a primary care physician who is a former competitive bodybuilder, so I trust his opinion with these sort of issues and will most likely seek an appointment in the future, but am trying my luck here to see if someone, more informed than I, has any insight.
I appreciate the time anyone takes to chime in on this.
Hey - do you wear a belt while lifting? Often folks will over-tighten their lifting belts and experience what you are describing in the leg. With that said, if you’ve not done so yet, may be worth doing a single leg extension side to side and see if there is a strength deficit. We would need a consult with you to provide further insight. We do offer remote consultations if you are interested.
Hip misalignment isn’t really a “thing” and I wouldn’t worry about this. See here: Loading...
Oh man you’ve got me there, I definitely started tightening the heck out of my belt around the same time this started. I never thought to associate the two. I work out at home with basically just a rack, bench, barbell and plates so I don’t have immediate access to a leg extension of any kind, perhaps I’ll see if I can visit a gym with a friend to try it out soon. For now I think I’ll try loosening my belt quite a bit as I finish The Bridge up and then go without it for a few weeks when I start my next program. If I see no improvement with that after a month or so then I may reach out for a consultation at that time!
Thanks for the response and article on hip alignment, it seems like every couple of months I find out that an “issue” I used to be concerned about is a non issue. I used to think I was plagued by Bicep Tendonitis because of benching pain, but it basically turned out to be some straining of muscles connecting the head of my humerus and scapula. Once I focused on that and stopped trying to treat my “Bicep tendonitis” I eliminated a pain that had bothered me on and off for years in a matter of a couple weeks.
Anyways thanks again, hopefully the belt tightness is the answer, if not I’ll reach out.