Hello, is upper back GPP just like abs GPP where you time it for 7-8 minutes and do as many sets in 30 second intervals? Or is it just straight sets when it says 2 sets 12-20 reps? Can it be any upper back movement like machine, db and cable rows?
When it says straight sets, I’d do it like that. If/when it’s written as an AMRAP, I’d do it like that. Yes, you can pick any upper back movement you prefer.
Thanks Jordan, is it OK to also include some back extension work in the program along with main Hip Hinge? I’ve been having some low back pain (always when I come back to barbell RDLs) and doing trap bar RDLs for the meantime. The slot for supplemental pull is taken by Pullups since I like doing them so much. I don’t want erector spinal to get weak.
I don’t think your erectors are in any danger of detraining. I’d put any work for them in the GPP trunk work rather than taking up a specific RT slot.