Hello everyone I am a long time barbell medicine fan that’s been dealing with pain behind my left shoulder blade and up into my trap.
Sometimes it’s just the left side, but I have had it on the right, generally for a short time (the left side sticks around)
I have read the pain in training article, and applied it to multiple other issues I have had. I had issues with shoulder that resulted in my changing my training, lighter tempo work, pin press, etc. I have also Alan Thralled myself out of my last 3 back tweaks by just getting back under the bar and staying active.
Unfortunately this one has stuck around since last December. I bought a new mattress, new pillows, got X rays, went to 6 weeks of PT, all with no improvement.
Has anyone struggled with / been able to fix nagging pain behind the shoulder blade. I also get it when I turn my neck all the way left and to the left and down, that is when it is the most acute. At this point it hurts all day.
I just paid more in physical therapy bills than my squat rack cost, which is annoying. No help, I apparently need to get a second set of x rays before they will approve a MRI (which probably won’t do anything but scare me)
I’m not debilitated by any means I can still move my typical amounts of weight with no pain during the movement.
I had chalked this up to weak mid/low traps, unsure now.
I kind of hesitated to post here because I can’t furnish paying for a consult with how expensive the rest of this ordeal has been. It’s driving me a little nuts.
I have rheumatoid arthritis as well that I am taking Jak Inhibitors for. It’s well managed but having pain from both sources felt pretty unbearable a couple times this year.
Sxs: pain when I look left and down, pain when I look left at the end of the movement, throbbing pain in trap/scapula area/behind shoulder blade. Numbness in hand sometimes when I sleep on that side. I THINK, benching messes with it, but I have no pain during the moment that’s marked, usually if I depress scapula and keep the weight anchored above sternum more as opposed to having my shoulder shrugged just a bit. The “Sports PT” I went to out here (Seattle Area) said he felt something was going on with my left levator, but was nonspecific. We left it at “maybe get a MRI because I’m worried it’s referred from your neck”
With all of this said: love BBM, your Low ISF programming has allowed me to train effectively and have time and energy for my 18 month old son. Also love the podcast content and I spend a lot of time perusing the Facebook page.
I appreciate any insight.