Dear Docs,
I’m planning on running the free version of the Bridge template but lowering the average intensity and upping the volume a little bit - specifically on the auxiliary lifts. So planning on doing squat, bench, press, DL as prescribed but lowering the RPE’s and adding a set on the auxiliary lifts. Theory being that more volume is better (hence adding more volume), if you can recover from it (hence dropping intensity a little bit). I have also run the bridge before with the prescribed RPE’s and found that I was repeating weights for multiple weeks on the auxiliary lifts and they were just generally beating me up, so thought I’d try experimenting a little bit. Before I do though I’d be interested to know what your thoughts are? Seems like a minor modification but I don’t have any experience writing programs.
Bit more context: been training for about a year. Started off with Starting Strength novice program, lifts went up (obviously) but so did waistline. Then did a week or two of the bridge but had to take a few weeks off, lost weight and a lot of strength in that time. Restarted by doing a couple of months of higher volume training (4-6 sets per session of 6-10 reps on main lifts and variations), then started the Bridge again and ran until the end with modest results…THEN have been experimenting with lower volume/higher intensity for the main lifts (basically everything is 80-100% of 1RM) and using more accessory work to add in volume, but now finding it hard to progress as I am now losing weight (thinking I may need more volume as I think I may have just accidentally ‘peaked’ myself the last couple of months rather than actually built any strength). So I guess I am a bit of a ‘program hopper’. Current (e1RM) numbers are: SQ: 150kg, Bench: 85kg, Press: 50kg, DL: 160kg, BW 87kg (trying to slowly lose weight as waist is approx 37").