To my understanding, a waist size of less than 40 inches is considered healthy more or less across the board for males. However, is there a deviation below that mark accounting for individual anthropometry? For example, if you had two males who were both around 6’, one who was on the thinner, more wiry side and the other who was wider in the hips, would you expect the second individual to tend towards a larger waist than the first? Does that question make sense?
I suppose it might be of some consequence when attempting to gain weight. If I have a thinner build to begin with, I might pay a little closer attention when I hit 36 inches or so, whereas if I’m a bit wider anyway, I might not be as concerned until I’m closer to 39-40 inches.
Not really. 40" is the absolute upper limit cut off for adult males, though if you live in a different country or have a different ethnicity then this can change.
The way we currently frame it is as follows:
For individuals living in Canada and the US:
WC of > 40" for men and 34.5" for women are associated with significantly higher risks of obesity-related diseases
WC of > 37" for men and 31" for women are associated with higher risks of obesity-related diseases
For certain ethnicities, e.g. Asian, these numbers are different.
Hey Jordan, why for Asians it’s supposed to be lower the waist circumference measures? Are there other ethnicities that present a different circumference measurement?