weight gain question


I’m planning on gaining weight slowly, till my waist reaches ~35 inch mark, then reassessing from there.

Previously, I went from around 155-190, gaining 1-4 pounds a month.

Currently down to ~155, and am wondering if a slower rate of weight gain would be recommended, e.g., 1-2 pounds per month. My previous weight gain left me with a great deal of muscle, and a good deal of fat.

Thank you for the help,


P.S., I apologize because this question is possibly unanswerable considering the vast range of interindividual variability to nutritional interventions.

I do not think a slower weight of rate gain (compared to what you did before) is likely to change the ratio of lean body mass to fat mass you gain. I think this is mostly something to be managed on the fly based on results and personal preference.

Thank you, Jordan!