Weight Plateau Plus Program Extension

So I just finished up the hypertrophy program this week and still have some weight to lose. My next program I want to do is the 12 week strength program but I know the description for it indicates it shouldn’t be done while trying to lose a significant amount of weight. I’m looking to lose another 10lbs still, and so I’m thinking of keeping on with the 4 day hypertrophy a few more weeks. See anything wrong with that? Should I tweak anything with it? I was going to keep doing week 8 until I lose this last 10lbs. Or would you recommend moving on to the 12 week strength program while working down this last 10 lbs?


Thanks for this. How much do you weigh, how tall are you, and what’s your waist measurement? Those sorts of things are pretty important in order to answer your question!

Good point. I’m 5’8, 210lbs (down from 228 when starting the bridge, then moved on to 4 day hypertrophy). My waist measurement is about a 38.5 down from a 42 My e1rms when I started the bridge were as follows:
Bench - 250lb
Squat - 343lb
DL - 389.5lb
press - 179lb

Finishing up week 8 of Hypertrophy program and e1rm are as follows:
bench - 266lbs
squat - 374lbs
DL- 407 lbs
press- 187lbs.

Yea I think you could keep going on your current plan. Nice job so far!

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Thank you sir!