I am currently around 225 pounds at 5’10" in height. If I were to guess I am probably 20+ percent body fat. I was hoping to lose around 20 pounds in the near future. I am currently running the 3 day-7 week hypertrophy program; with about a week and an half left in the program. Be it that I want to lose weight I have decided to opt out of running any of the 12 week templates. Instead I would like to know if I should enter a caloric deficit and rerun the bridge and HLM a few more times possibly and with a conditioning template in between.
If this seems like a good idea please let me know. otherwise direct me towards a better direction. I would opt for online coaching but be it that it is not viable at this time. I am hoping I can make due with the templates. nutrition should not be of issue as I am capable of tracking my macros and caloric intake.