Template Order Question

Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, but I couldn’t find any similar queries.

I’ve recently discovered the barbell medicine content and I’m eager to give RPE based intermediate programming a shot
as I have been stalling my novice program (Stronglifts + bodybuilding accessory exercises) for a month.

My training goals right now are to focus more on hypertrophy until the end of this year while continuing to get stronger, and
also to start losing weight in around 2 months time.

I purchased the GPP Hypertrophy 4 day 2.0 template as I like the increased frequency and it seems to fit
my goals, and I’d like to run the entirety of the program on a surplus then start a defecit afterward.

However, I’m unsure what program to run afterwards. The description states the program works best between
strength blocks and shouldn’t be run back to back, so I was thinking of possibly running the bridge 1.0 after the program.
My concern is that the decreased volume of the bridge vs the hypertrophy template could cause issues holding onto muscle mass when losing weight.

I also thought about instead running the bridge now on a surplus then using the hypertrophy template to cut afterward (as is also recommended) but would this be less effective overall
for hypertrophy, as I’d be focusing on strength not hypertrophy during my surplus?

Thanks in advance.

I probably wouldn’t run The Bridge after another one of our programs given the targeted demographic for that program.

I’d run HLM, Bridge 2.0, or 12 week strength/press templates probable.

I think the 4 day hypertrophy plan is fine when you’re losing weight. Yes, while losing weight overall hypertrophy is less than when gaining weight, but that’s across the board for all programs. The extra volume of the hypertrophy template is probably useful from a weight loss perspective anyway.

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