Only doing Hypertrophy Template

Hi, Barbell Medicine crews.

I have purchased Bridge 2.0 and Hypertrophy Template. Finished LP, Bridge 1.0 and 2.0 almost.

But I just workout for my health, longivity, condition and shape cause I don’t have a plan to compete at all. So, can I only do Hypertrophy? or do you still think I have to mix them?


As I tell people frequently around here, you are free to do whatever you’d like. It is unlikely that running the same 7-week block indefinitely would result in continued long-term progress without substantial modification, however.

Just glomming onto this question, as it’s related—the BBM crew has often recommended the hypertrophy template while cutting weight. I’ve been running it now for 4 weeks while eating at a deficit and the relatively low fatigue generated by this program is indeed a great fit for a fat loss situation.

I’ve only got 3 weeks of the template left but at least 10 weeks more of dieting before I hit my target weight, and I’m looking ahead to what program to run once I’ve completed this block. In this situation would repeating the Hypertrophy template make sense, or would you recommend moving on to something else?

Thanks for all you do!

You can certainly repeat the hypertrophy template for another round, as this is a pretty different situation that the OP-only using the hypertrophy template indefinitely.

I just ended the novice LP, I will run hypertrophy template, bridge 1.0 and hypertrophy template again. My focus are more at hypertrophy spectrum but with a progressive gain of strength, sounds like a plan? what I can do after that?thanks

The hypertrophy 4 day template would be reasonable after that.

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