I’m in the process of losing weight gradually, and I anticipate it will take several more months to get to my target weight, assuming I’m really good with adherence to my plan. I’ve already done the 7-week hypertrophy plan twice in a row. Results have been pretty solid.
As far as I can tell this is the main program you recommend in periods of weight loss. Should I just keep cycling through it until I get down to my desired weight? I suspect, if I did that, then I will have cycled through the hypertrophy template at least four times consecutively by the time I hit my target weight.
I’m not that interested in the endurance template but if you think it would be a better option I’m open to doing it.
I think the hypertrophy and endurance templates are great during periods of weight loss, but the other templates would be okay on a calorie deficit as well if you’re hankering for a change.
I wouldn’t knock the endurance template it did a great job for me, at least in improving my body composition. I was in a caloric deficit the entire program and lost almost 10lbs. Although that is anecdotal information at best, it is information all the same.
Dude, listen to me, it doesnt matter which type of training session you do. You have just to cnsume less calories than you are spending. In my opinion the fastest way to loose calories is deadlift with very heavy weight. Just few llifts and you spend more calories than 10 km run. Also I work with more than 100 kg. If you don
t know how much it is you can convert 100 kg to lbs.