When am I no longer a novice?

I’ve been messing around with weights for a few years on and off. In the past two years, I’ve gotten much more serious with my trainingg and completed a SS-style NLP as well as tried to work through some other NLP style programs. However, I always seem to end up hitting a wall somewhere along the way. I’ve sought advice elsewhere and been told I’m not done with my novice phase due to what I’m able to lift. I’ve been told to bulk up, reset, and continue the NLP. I’ve tried it, and I end up right back at that same wall again but with significantly increased bodyweight and bodyfat.

Age: 36
Height: 5’ 9"
Weight: 154lbs
Waist: 32"
BF% (estimate): 13-15%

Current Lifts: Bench 155x5, Deadlift 245x6, Press 115x5, Squat 205x5

I’m currently working my way through another NLP due to having been forced to complete only BW workouts from March-August due to Covid restrictions, but I’m going to rapidly approach the numbers where I have historically stalled out on my prior attempts at an NLP. My question is, when will I know I’m ready to move on to something else?

Sounds like you’re not a novice per SS definition anymore, so I wouldn’t continue to use novice programming.

FWIW, we don’t particularly like the classifications novice, intermediate, or advanced, as they’re completely arbitrary and don’t effect management (e.g. programming) at all. For example, you could have someone like yourself who stalled on LP, but who responds very well to our Beginner Template, which is what I would recommend in this case btw. What level of advancement does that make you and, more importantly, how does that change what we should do with your program?

Overall, I don’t see the point at continuing to bang your head into a wall running the same old program that clearly does not work for you given that you’ve gotten no stronger in 18 months or so.

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I appreciate the reply! At this point, I’ve been back with barbells for 5 weeks (currently on week 6). Is the Beginner template still worth my time? The description says new to lifting or an extended layoff, but I’m sort of past both of those right now. I’m currently running BLS’ 5 day split. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with that program or not, but it emphasizes the main lifts for 3 sets of 4-6 reps and then has accessory work to support those lifts.

Yea, I think it’s the correct template- particularly if you start from phase II.

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