I’m not sure whether I should purchase The Beginner Prescription, do The Bridge or any other program. Currently I’m doing BBM’s At-Home Template. A little unfortunate info: I’m 5’11", 70kg. My 5RM are: 92kg deadlift, 77kg squat and 70kg bench. If you’re curious how I got to these abysmal numbers, I’ve explained it in the bottom paragraph. After being educated thanks to Dr. Feigenbaum and Dr. Baraki, I would like to bulk up to around 90kg while obviously improving my lifts. Do I still qualify for SSLP or TBP? Can I still get those noob gains, or have my years wasted in a gym de-sensitized my body’s ability to respond to a novice-level stimulus for the traditional 2-3 months? I’m unsure because I can’t say I’m untrained (in the sense I’ve routinely exercised the squat, bench and deadlift). I have no idea how damaging that wasted time has been to my response to a LP, versus if I genuinely was a person who had never trained with any barbell movements whatsoever.
I’ve messed around the gym for years on and off. Like an idiot I didn’t know what I was doing and wanted to lose weight (I was 200lbs). During this time I did the big 3 movements but with HORRIBLE form and tweaked my left shoulder. Therefore I stopped benching, and eventually stopped squatting and deadlifting since I desperately wanted to lose weight rather than get strong, and started to prioritize cardio more and more. I eventually got down to my present 70kg. About a year ago I came across some YouTube video which simply said you should train those same barbell movements but 3x5 for squat and bench, and 1x5 for deadlift while adding 5lbs a week and doing all 3 movements 2-3 times a week. I’ve been too scared to put on weight and have eaten 1500 or 1800 calories a day. That’s how I got to where I am now. I had also deadlifted wrong and popped something in my lower back, so I decided to stop pulling. It was painful and every time I squat deep or get into the starting position of a deadlift, I feel that pain (I’ve read Dr. Baraki’s article on pain and will restart deadlifting with a light weight to rehab my back).