Hoping I can get some advice on my extremley low testosterone levels.
I came off quite a harsh 3 month diet where I lost slightly over 1% BW per month. 7KG over 3 months. Lowest weigh in at 50KG depleted. Started taking creatine at the end of the diet at the start of December
I am now weighing in at 53.5KGbut still extremly fatigues, non existent libido. Below are my blood tests and I have an appointment with an endicronologist however I’m wary of him just saying ‘go on TRT’
Do I just need to wait it out and eventually I’ll feel normal again and get out the state of low energy availability? I have been steadily increasing calories so no longer in a calorie deficit
Any advice appreciated
5-Jan-2024 ! Serum testosterone - (MSP1115) - 3.3 nmol
05-Jan-2024 Serum sex hormone binding glob - 57 nmol/L 18.30 -
05-Jan-2024 Serum vitamin B12 922 ng/L
05-Jan-2024 ! Serum testosterone - 3.1 nmol/
27-Dec-2023 Serum prolactin level - 163 mIU/
Serum FSH level 5.9 iu/L
27-Dec-2023 Serum LH level
Luteinising hormone 4.6 iu/L
Serum bilirubin level 13 umol/L
Serum ALT level 46 u/L
Serum sodium 139 mmol/L
Serum potassium 4.8 mmol/L
Serum urea level 8.9 mmol
Serum creatinine 75 umol
05-Jan-2024 Haemoglobin A1c level - HbA1c levl - IFCC standardised 34 mmol/mol
Total white cell count 3.3 1
Haemoglobin estimation 124 g/
Platelet count 250 109/
Red blood cell (RBC) count 3.78 1012/L
Haematocrit 0.368 L/L 0.40 - 0.52L/L
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) -97.1 fL
Neutrophil count 2.4 109/L 1.50 - 8.00109/L
Lymphocyte count 0.7 109/L 1.10 - 4.00109/L
Monocyte count 0.1 109/L 0.20 - 1.00109/L
Eosinophil count 0 109/L 0.10 - 0.40109/L
Basophil count 0 109/L 0.00 - 0.30109/L
05-Jan-2024 Blood glucose level 5.1 mmol/L
- fasted
04-Jan-2024 Urinalysis = no abnormality
04-Jan-2024 Urine specific gravity - 1^005
04-Jan-2024 Urine pH = 8.0
04-Jan-2024 Urine dipstick bilirubin negative
04-Jan-2024 Urine ketone test negative
04-Jan-2024 Urine glucose test negative