12 weeks strength templates

Good Afternoon guys, just about to finish week 1 of the 12 weeks strength program and I have couple more questions.

  1. for example, after the first set of 4@9, can I use the same weight that I did for the second set? or can I decrease the weight a little or it’s just fully depends on how I feel for the day?
  2. my lower back feels weird when I m doing the tempo squat, can I substitute that to a front squat?

Thanks in advance!!!

  1. decrease the weight 3-5% to maintain 9 RPE. If you redo a true 9 it will be higher the next go.

  2. I would not substitute tempo squats. Tempo squat is one of the best supplemental exercises for hammering home proper bar path. If your back “feels weird” then something likely is off in your form or your back is weak. The back being weak part will resolve itself as you train these more often, especially if you haven’t been doing much squatting without a belt recently. If it’s form related and something is off in your tempo squat form, it means something is off in your normal squat form and it needs to be fixed. Post form checks, work with a coach, and/or remove some weight from the bar. Focus on really hammering home form during the tempo squat. If you have to take some weight off, so be it. You can calculate RPE’s based off of 10 being form break down, not the highest weight you can possibly lift. That’s what I would do in this case. Either way, I’m not really sure what “feels weird” is so that’s the best advice I can offer. These aren’t supposed to feel comfortable. They definitely shouldn’t be creating any pain in your back though, if that’s what you mean.

Tempo Squats are what taught me that I was over extending my back. I was squeezing my lumbar so hard to maintain a flat back that it was causing extreme low-back fatigue by the end of a set. Tempo squats also helped me learn how to maintain a flat back without extension or flexion. See if that is what you are doing also. Taking video helps.