Hi everyone. First post here at Barbell Medicine. Just coming off novice linear progression, and this is my first week of the Bridge 1.0. I’m looking forward to the training program, and I have already benefited tremendously from reading around on this forum over the last several weeks!
Just thought I’d ask around about Tempo Squats (3-0-3). I assume there is much individual variation, but starting out how did the, let’s say, @8 tempo squat (3-0-3) compare to your last working set weight of regular squats on a linear progression program? I see Week 1 calls for sets of 8 reps. Or, how did they compare to Paused Squats (4 @8)? I enjoyed the paused squats, but I can imagine the Tempo Squat is a different beast entirely.
I suggest you to start with the empty bar and go up until you find a set of 8 that you rate @6 or more, since there is a lot of interpersonal variation.
For me, on the first week of The Bridge, the first working set was around half the weight of a heavy comp squat set. Also, I suggested to gauge your RPE, but I had no idea of the “true RPE” after my first few sets. Experience is the only way.
Yeah, tempo work takes a few sessions to get a real feel for RPE, especially if you’re used to using bar speed as an indicator for RPE. Don’t worry about what weight is on the bar, it may seem really low in comparison to your normal and paused squats, then again it may not. Different people have different experiences with them the first time through. The main thing is just to not let your ego get in the way and over-shoot your RPE’s. Let objective RPE be your guide.