12wk strength template - tempo squat question

I am working through the 12wk strength template, and have run into some trouble with the tempo squat. Every time I get to it after doing Press on day 2 of the week, I experience a noticeable amount of pain in one of my shoulders which I do not experience during the other squat exercises during the week. I tried both high bar and low bar, and changing my hand position around and had no luck. I tried it last night with a SSB and a Buffalo bar, and was able to complete the sets with no pain. Do you think this is OK to continue doing the 3-0-3 tempo squats with either a SSB or Buffalo bar, or would you recommend another movement as replacement?

Thank you,

Totally fine to use the accessory bar here, although you might also post a form check in the unmoderated forum or the FB group as it’s pretty odd that your shoulder makes this unmanageable on one day only. I’d check your press and your squat grip.