I’ll be starting the 12 week Strength Template shortly (a 3 day mod). There are 3 squat days. I still sometimes suffer pain in my forearms and/or elbows after heavy sets of low bar squatting. Usually not the first week, but the pain builds up until I can’t bench press anymore. The source of the problem lies in my shoulders (notably the left one), which are very hard to get more flexible. I take a lot of care on my grip and closely follow the low bar grip technique as explained by your friends further on the internet.
Long story short: although it’s getting better I don’t want to ruin my squat and bench once again because of this. I want to use the SSB for the squats on day 2 and 3. I wonder if there is something I should take into account. Does it affect anything negatively? Should I replace the excercises with something else or will using the SSB just be fine?