3 Day Hypertrophy GPP - v2 templates


With the GPP on this template the LISS is easy to understand. As is the extra arm work. I’m confused about the frequency of ab/back AMRAP work? Is this 1x a week like the arm plugin? Or is this 2x a week like the LISS?


I’d do that 2x a week with your LISS.

Thanks Leah

More questions:

Is it normal that the supplemental squat exercise on day3 (myorep slot) has been completely replaced by an upper body slot (= day2 myorep slot), or is it just a typo?

We planned that originally given that we felt most folks could use some additional upper body hypertrophy work.

That said, you could replace it with HBBS if you’d prefer.

Really like the new version 2 layouts. However, i think there might me a mix-up on the exercise order in the hypertrophy template.

In version one, the exercise arrangement was Day 1: Comp Squat, Comp Bench, Pendlay Row; Day 2: Comp Press, Romanian Deadlifts, Bench touch & go. This makes sense.

In version two, the exercise arrangement is Day 1: Comp Squat, Comp Press, Pendlay Row; Day 2: Comp Bench, Romanian Deadlifts, Bench touch & go. Do you really want us to do two bench variations on the same day?

Thank you

What about exercise 3 on day 2? On the old template it was myoreps, on this version it’s the same Rx as exercise 2.

They are myoreps. The weekly tabs show this correctly, but I see one of the formulae was wrong for the overview tab.

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I have heard a reference to this “overview” tab a few times now but none of the 2.0 templates I have contain an overview tab. The only place where the exercises are listed are the weekly tabs. Am I missing something?

Pardon the extremely noob-ish question, but this is my first foray out of the starting strength world.

What is upper back work? Specifically, what movements would be good here, and would this be done with one exercise for the whole 7 (or in my case 5) minutes?

Same question for ab work. Is this just 5 minutes of crunches?

I’m a competitive masters rower, so that’ll stand in for all of my HIIT and LISS, but I assume I can do the extra GPP on the days between weight days. True?

Thanks for putting this program together!

Do I understand correctly that the “Even Numbered Supplemental Lifts” are always myoreps in the 3 Day Hypertrophy GPP template?

Should the 3-5 rep range also be RPE 8 or does the RPE only apply to the higher rep activation set?

Apologies if these have been already answered. Couldn’t find answers in the Forum.

Thanks for the great content and templates. I just finished The Bridge with some good gains and I am now going to start with the Hypertrophy template. Just bought the whole template bundle and can’t wait to try them all out :slight_smile:

Is the “Bonus” in the 3 Day Hypertrophy GPP template, i.e. bicep curls and triceps press downs intended to be done on each of the 3 weight training days?

Any thoughts on:

  1. doing those as “supersets” to save time?
  2. doing them on GPP days instead of weight training days? Thanks!



Thank you!

There is a frequency associated with those movements that changes over the course of the program. They can be done on GPP days or training days. I wouldn’t do them as supersets.

Is the arm work really only once a week? In the table (the Excel file: Fall-2017-Templates-Final-Updated-411) the arm work is under each weight training day 1, 2 and 3? So to me it reads it’s three times a week. With the upper back work (pull-ups etc.) it seems quite a lot for arms though. Maybe I am reading it wrong?

Does this template includes singles @8?
I’ve been incorporating these in my training for quite a while/too long and would rather do something different for some time when I finish the 4-week time crunch.
So if this template does not contain any singles @8, it’s a good candidate.
I know the HLM template does not include singles @8 for a few weeks. So that could be an option too.