First post here, but I’ve been on the BBM train for over three years now. I worked with Jordan for six months back in 2018 (learned a lot), attended one of your seminars (learned even more), and indulge in essentially all of your content. I leverage your programming, BPS model & pain approach, and overall behavioral change philosophy with my own clients and it serves all of us well.
Anyways, training was going very well through October 2020. I hit a few squat rep PRs (first in a few years) across the competition squat, supplemental squat 1, and supplemental squat 2 (all in one training block), and everything else was trending better than ever. Strength was up, and work capacity was VERY high. I experienced some severe groin pain the day after supplemental squat 1 (wide stance low bar squat w/ flats). I worked up to 6 @ 7, 6 @ 8, 6 @ 9, -6% to -7% x 6 x 3 sets. I track session RPE and duration; the sessions were long and tough, but nothing over sRPE @ 8.
The pain was extreme at first. I could barely get into a full ROM bodyweight squat. The next week, I extensively dropped the intensity and volume on the three squat movements. I started working with high pin squats (anything full ROM was painful) with all sorts of variations - bar position, stance width, tempo, DB goblet. I’ve exhausted all variations with the equipment I have access to. Rep ranges haven’t been less than six. Nothing above RPE 6 since then. I’ve reduced frequency via squat slots and sessions per week (also took a few week long breaks, too). I’ve reduced intensity/volume/frequency on deadlift as well (for several blocks now).
Over four months later, I’m still having issues with limited improvement in symptoms. Particularly pain in the groin during hip flexion and adduction. I notice the pain is worse if I’m lying (on a bench) and try to perform hip adduction. The pain is exceptionally sharp during something like a bodyweight lunge. Mostly pain free with above parallel pin squats at many intensities (haven’t touched a true RPE 7+).
In my most recent rehab block, I’m doing a mixture of full ROM and high pin squats (regular and wide stance), 2ct paused high bar, and swapped conventional deadlift for sumo deadlift. I do a few sets full ROM, then place the pins higher as the pain starts to become noticeable. Again, very little to no pain during above parallel pin squats. Surprisingly, I thought I started to improve with wide stance squat and sumo deadlift, but that was short lived. I’m working with sub RPE 6 loads, and adding weight every session (still sub RPE 6). Volume is 3-4 work sets at 6 reps right now. No real improvement after months of taking the right steps in every modification I can think of.
I found this old thread: Groin Pull, Pain with L Hip Flexion / Adduction. 3+ months of modified activity - Medical Q/A with Drs. Feigenbaum & Baraki - Barbell Medicine Forum
And I can relate to all of the symptoms: "Pain with resisted hip flexion and adduction. Mostly located on top inside-to-front-ish area of my left thigh. " I haven’t seen a doctor yet, but the idea has recently popped into my head as it’s been over four months, and I feel I’m doing all the right things - with very little to no success/improvement. Basically, I’m just training for the sake of training right now - just to keep moving. But I’m putting in very little work (on the squat). Similar to the thread I referenced above, I’ve become very hopeless, too. Barbell training has been a staple of my life for 14 years, and I can see my lower body atrophying with the lack of training stimulus I’m able to give it at this time. General mindset and mood is not great because of this. At times I try to embrace the recovery process, but that only lasts so long. With the limited stimulus I do exert, my body is significantly more fatigued than ever before, with all the aches and pains, and seemingly permanent DOMS.
I appreciate your time.
In strength,