or “effect”? I dunno, i get those mixed up. Anyhoo.
Been struggling with some adductor pain, and heretofore it’s only really been painful, with no effect on my strength. Meaning, while it was tender feeling and sore, i could still hit my numbers (295 x 5 is RPE 8 typically)
Well, weird thing happened yesterday. DL is typically 300 x 5 about RPE 8) started Deadlifting and during warm up feel my adductor pretty bad. Did 135 x 6, then 185 x 6, (felt like RPE 8 or 9), then 225 wouldn’t go up even for 1. Had the “leg shakes” bad at the start and then just couldn’t lock it out. kind of freaked me out, cause I can usually lift through the discomfort.
Anyone have this happen before? Hoping it’s a transient thing.
If it matters, 50y/o, 6’ 205lb, lifting consistently about 18 months various BBM templates (hypertrophy and strength alternating).
@Grimtrigger sorry to hear about that recent adductor symptoms. Has this happened before? How long has this been ongoing? How has training gone since your original post?
It has persisted and I’ve had to deload to the bar on squats. The pain is fairly excruciating at first, and get’s slightly better as the sets progress, but i haven’t been able to get past the bar + 10s on each side (65lbs) on squats, or past 205 on DL. Upper body stuff is fine.
Constant groin and lower ab pain pretty much all day, sharp pain when standing from a sit, getting out of bed. Walking is fine, taking stairs have some pain but nothing unbearable.
Squatting aggravates my hip, but my hip is not as bad as yours. I also feel it on the front outside portion of my thigh where it meets the hip where as your pain seems like its more in the groin area.
It could be a lot of things but the fact that it hurts when you stand up after sitting makes me think that it might be a muscle pull. If it is a muscle pull time off from squatting should allow it to recovery. I think Jordan had a hip issue that affected his squatting earlier this year. These type issues can happen to anybody.
So not to direct you to do anything because im not a professional or educated as much as Micheal, i think you should take the time to focus on your upper body lifts if possible. Continue with the bar until you feel like you can progress at a lower intensity(4,5,6) whilst rehabbing then increase it to tolerance.