Hey there Docs!
First I just want to say a HUGE thank you for all the amazing pain and rehab content you put out. It’s been immensely helpful for me in keeping me training and instilling a solid dose of pain self efficacy with regard to both training and daily life. I’ve been helped by your work in navigating multiple tweaks and continuing to train, so thank you!
I’m finding myself in a situation currently, though, where I’m not sure what the best course of action is, and was wondering if you might be able to provide a little guidance.
Here’s my current situation:
Due to a series of recurring back tweaks while conventional deadlifting, I decided to try out sumo (not because conventional in inherently injurious, but in the hope that sumo would prove to be more tolerant to training volume). After trying sumo I found that it is significantly stronger, however I seem to have overdone the volume and intensity initially when switching because my groin, adductor, knee on my right leg are pissed off.
I’ve been trying to transition over to sumo for about 5 weeks, splitting my volume between sumo and conventional while slowly tipping the balance toward sumo week-to-week. All in all things have gone pretty well this time around, save for the last week.
Here’s how things are presenting currently, and the reason for my posting here: I’m currently running Powerlifting II and I’m finishing Week 8 today (2nd week of a specialization block). As I’ve moved through these first two weeks of increased intensity symptoms have become progressively worse. Squatting on day 1 was pain free. I was sore to the usual tolerable level during deadlifts on day 2, and by the time I got to beltless squats on day 2 the discomfort had dissipated. Day 3 pause squats were symptomatic, however. The discomfort was tolerable, but unusual as squats are typically not effected - only deadlifts. Today on the day 4 2ct paused deadlifts the pain was intolerable and I was unable to finish working up to my 1@8 or backoff sets, as even lighter weight was creating the same symptomatic response. Going into the session everything felt normal, and during the sets themselves there is no pain. The pain begins after the set is over and dramatically increases for about 20-30 seconds. After about 3-4 minutes the pain returns to a tolerable level. And after about 20-30 min it returns to a mildly uncomfortable baseline.
My main questions are: 1. Do you have any suggestions beyond continuing to try and slowly introduce the new stimulus as I’ve been trying to do?
2. Would it likely be unwise to continue moving forward with the specialization, sport form, and realization blocks of PL2 due to the increase in intensity, which seems to be driving the negative progression of symptoms? Would it be better to move into a less specific phase to allow for a smoother transition to sumo without unnecessarily pissing things off? I’m happy to provide more info if that would be helpful. Thanks again for all your work, and I’m looking forward to your guidance!