Pain from sumo deadlifts and squats

Good Afternoon, 3 weeks ago I decided to give sumo deadlifts a try and admittedly I likely attempted too much weight for a first time movement. I can pull 425lbs x 3 with conventional deadlift, so I went through my sumo warm ups of, 135x5 for 2 sets, 225x4, 315x2, 365x1 and then I set up 405 but I hardly broke it off the floor before I realized that it wasn’t going to happen and set it down.
Ever since this day, every time I squat or pull sumo, I get a lot of discomfort in my thighs, in both legs from my groin down to my knees. I hardly make it through my warm up sets before my legs are so uncomfortable they buckle when I walk between sets. It goes away while they are under tension during a set of squats or sumo but as soon as I’m finished a set, it flares up again. It does not seem to be related to volume because, I get the same discomfort durning heavy singles. The discomfort usually goes away completely within 30 mins of the workout and there is no DOMS the next day.
Do you have any thoughts of the the issue may be? It would be very helpful for any advice because I run BBM templates (currently on 12W strength) and when the discomfort flares up, it seems that my strength goes down a considerable amount as well and it has been affecting my workouts.

thanks for the help.

Sorry to hear you are dealing with this. Can you elaborate on your symptoms? What does the discomfort feel like? Are you able to do other lower body movements without issue?

Thanks for the reply. The symptoms are kinda tough to explain. I wouldn’t say it’s pain but it is pretty extreme discomfort/aches . When I feel the symptoms, I have a hard time walking, like my knees want to give out. I feel it from around my hip flexors all the way to the front of my knees in both legs more to the front of my thighs. I have not tried any movements other then sumo deadlifts, comp squats, pin squats, belt less squats and paused squats. I feel the symptoms pretty soon after starting any of these movements. Again, the crazy thing is, once about 1/2 hour has passed from the workout, the pain goes away and I feel no symptoms. I have been doing strength training for a few years and I have never experienced any problems like this.
Another symptom that may be helpful in the discussion, is when I start feeling the pain, I have to control the eccentric of my squat to what feels like a very slow speed because even light lighter weights around 65% of my 1rm feels like it would get away from me if I lowered the weight quickly. I was wondering if it was possibly a fatigue issue? I don’t feel any issues the next day. I’d like to think im a pretty tough guy, but I feel I look pretty foolish limping around the gym. Lol.

Thanks again for the help.

Yeah, admittedly I’m not entirely sure what’s going on. Given this is a bilateral issue and sounds like it is accompanied with muscle weakness, likely worth a consult with someone or us.

Thank you.

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