4 week meet prep (template advice)

Hey there,

Back in June, I’d signed up for my first strength lifting meet in October. Long messy and boring story short I’m practically looking to ramp up for this meet in the 4 weeks I have until October 5th.

I haven’t trained in a week and I own the latest Strength lifting II template. Previously I was doing hypertrophy oriented training. Again…i realize this is very much not ideal.

So, my question to you guys is how might I tweak this thing to make the most of my situation? Just run the first 4 weeks of SL II template and do the meet or maybe jump in on week 9 and deal with the smattering of volume I’d be exposed to? I suppose not doing the meet at all is an option too and chalk it up to poor planning.

Thanks for any advice.

I would probably do our slow peak template and replace the bench work with pressing.

Let us know how it goes!


Solid, hadn’t thought of that. Thanks, Jordan!