About to start a new template with persistent left hip pain

I just finished PowerBuilding 1 tonight. My plan is to start Hypertrophy 1 next week. However, two weeks ago, I injured my left hip from what I assume was front squatting during week 8 of the PowerBuilding 1 template.

The interesting thing is, I did not notice any pain or discomfort in my hips during squatting. I was VERY fatigued and tired from lack of sleep but there was no pain. Fast forward to a couple hours after finishing the workout and I felt a sharp impinging pain in my left hip when getting up out of a chair. This pain seemed concentrated in my lateral to posterior hip.

Since then, my hip has gotten better but it is not 100%. I feel impingement type pain in the front, the side, and the rear at different times and during different types of movement. I’ve tried to keep squatting by reducing the load but this has largely been a no-go. During the descent of the squat, I feel the impingement in the lateral/posterior area of the hip.

I have adjusted my stance and gotten some relief, but unless I can repeat that stance positioning with extreme accuracy (in terms of width and toe angle), I get impingement again.

For the last week of PowerBuilding 1, I incorporated some split squats just to keep some leg work going, since I can do these more or less pain free.

I say all of that to ask this, how should I proceed into Hypertrophy 1 with respect to the squatting movements? Should I just replace any bilateral squatting with split squats with the same rep/rpe scheme? Also, should I be doing anything differently than what I’m doing now in terms of hip rehab?


Hey - sorry to hear about your hip pain. Check out the series on hip pain HERE fir guidance on working through these issues. Ideally you can adjust loading to accommodate symptoms. We need an individual consultation with you to make specific recommendations.