Adding and substituting exercises

Is it ok to substitute calf raises in PB1 for another exercise. Maybe Lat pull downs or shrugs or rows for high reps?
Also if you feel like adding an extra bench day to increase volume or another press day would that be ok too?

While you can certainly do whatever you want, I do not think either of those changes are things I’d sign off on. There’s plenty of upper back and trap work in PB 1, but no other calf work. Additionally, it is highly unlikely that more benching volume is likely to be a big difference maker in your progress.

Thanks for the reply.
I just feel my traps are under developed and was thinking maybe training them directly with shrugs or even rows might increase hypertrophy.

If somebody where absolutely adamant about not training their calves (their scriptures explicitly forbid this), what would you recommend they substitute? (there is also no calves exercises in hypertrophy, I think it‘s db flies instead?).

related: would it be reasonable to replace the third squat movement in PB2 with a third hinge? (this time the scriptures are okay with squatting, but they somewhat prefer deadilfts)

I think this is more of a training history thing. Between the deadlifts, upper back work, and pressing, I think your traps will likely grow. Adding more volume is not something I’m certain would help at this point.

I don’t think I would substitute anything for calves for the first scenario. I’d be amenable to swapping a squat for a hinge, but I’d first try and see if there are any squat variants that would be tolerable rather than abandoning that movement pattern.

Thanks! Looking forward to getting started with PB2 next week.

Thanks Jordan.
Some good points made there.
I have lost 6kg 100kg-94kg and 4 inches of my waist 39in-35in, so I guess building traps while losing weight isn’t something that is likely to happen.
I’ll keep powering on with PB1. It’s a great programme.

Im in two minds whether to go to PB2 as I do Bjj 4 times per week so 4 lifting days may be too much at this particular time.

Yea I would agree with that unless some of those sessions are autoregulated and lower stress.

Would it be ok to changed Romanian deadlifts for trap bar deadlifts in PB1?