Hi, I am adding some Bench volume by following the protocol outlined in the accompanying Low Fatigue Strength book, adding 1 extra set to each of my Bench movements. Currently doing this to the 3-day low instraset fatigue template. My question is:
Is there an upper limit to how much Bench volume (sets) you’d recommend doing in a single session? I did some research on the forum and I think you may have said that once you hit 10-15 sets per session per body part, it’s better to split it into separate days, which would necessitate adding in a 4th day. Does that statement reflect your advice?
The reason I am asking is because I’d prefer to stick to a 3-day template for as long as I can.
That volume per session recommendation is more related to hypertrophy and frequency rather than strength. There’s going to be some practical limit to volume in a session due to time constraints and work capacity, but I don’t think you’re likely to get near that.
Oh that’s great to know, thanks.
I see that the main difference in Bench exercises between the 3-day and 4-day templates is that the 4-day template has 2 extra exercises, which is where the extra volume gets added.
Let’s say I try to stick with the 3-day template and add volume in as needed. Do you have a rule of thumb as to when I would just add extra sets to the existing movements vs. when to include a new movement, from the POV of adding in volume most successfully?
There isn’t really a “rule” for this. We base these kinds of decisions on things like individual preferences and goals, whether there are any aches/pains that emerge with increasing volume on existing movements, and ultimately just experimentation to see how people respond.
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