Aerobic guideline minimums

Good morning Docs.

I am currently doing my conditioning on a Concept2 rower. Mon, Tue, Thur, Friday after Strongman template for those days, doing 20min hiit 30secs on 1:30 slow down averaging about 34 spm during the 30sec and 26 spm during the 1:30. I also do 30min liss about 27 spm on Wednesday and Saturdays.

I assume this may meet or exceed the minimum guidelines for aerobic activity. I was wondering if it does exceed can you recommend a way to reduce it to just meet the minimums? For happy wife happy life reasons, who currently thinks I spend too much time on exercise.

Yep, that’s 80 minutes of vigorous intensity conditioning (~8 METs) and 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity conditioning (~6 METs). The minimums . That is 5 minutes longer than the minimums. That is a total of ~1000 MET-Minutes per week, which is within the minimum conditioning recommendations of 500 to 1000 MET-Minutes.